Project Description

May Tan Hui Teng
LL.B (Hons)
Advocate & Solicitor, Supreme Court of Singapore
Barrister of England and Wales
Phone: +65 6358 2865
Fax: +65 6358 2864
May is a Director and head of the Trade Marks Practice of the Intellectual Property Department of Yusarn Audrey LLC.
May commenced practice in Singapore in the Corporate and Litigation Department of a mid-size law firm where she handled litigation and other contentious matters before joining Yusarn Audrey in May 2000 as a partner. She is an accredited SCOPE IP consultant for the Scope IP programme of the Intellectual Property Office Of Singapore (IPOS).
Experience / Areas of Practice
May’s areas of practice include contentious and non-contentious Intellectual Property matters as well as trade marks and design registration, copyright infringement and passing off cases. May handles various intellectual property related litigation, including obtaining injunctions preventing importation of infringing materials, copyright infringement actions etc.
In the area of trade marks, May’s practice includes advising and prosecution of trade marks, both nationally and internationally for clients in the area of pharmaceuticals, information technology and telecommunication, food & beverage, manufacturing, fashion, wellness and beauty. May is also involved in assisting clients in maintaining, protecting and enforcing trade mark rights which includes conducting trade mark oppositions, revocation and invalidation actions and drafting of IP-related agreements including assignment agreements for trade marks.
May’s area of practice also includes design prosecution and registration, both nationally and internationally and providing general advice to clients as regards issues relating to copyright and passing off matters.
She is also experienced in the various forms of execution proceedings for example, Companies Winding-Up, Bankruptcy, Writs of Seizure and Sale (for both movable and immovable properties), and Garnishee proceedings.
- Member, Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (SGC)
- Member, Asian Patent Attorneys Association (Singapore Group)
- Member, Franchising And Licensing Association Singapore (FLA)
- Member, International Association of the Protection of Industrial Property (AIPPI)
- Member, Law Society of Singapore
- Member, Singapore Academy of Law
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