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With a view of extending our existing client’s IP protection to the ASEAN region and an aspiration to contribute our expertise and capabilities in IP further, we set foot in Malaysia and began regional operations in Kuala Lumpur on 1 November 2016.
Yusarn Audrey Malaysia has an in-house technical team to assist you in intellectual property prosecution covering patents, trade marks, copyright, industrial designs, franchise, intellectual property licensing, corporate and dispute resolution. Our team comprises lawyers, registered patents, trademarks and industrial designs agents who are qualified and experienced in Malaysia.
Encouraged by the rising IP awareness in Malaysia, we are committed to bring out the best in our clients’ intellectual assets in line with their business aspirations. The transformation to a knowledge-based economy is crucial at this day and age and IP is a vital tool to trigger that transformation. Understanding the unique intellectual capital of your business, we help you to get a grip on your IP assets and risks, and to use IP to create opportunities and grow. In other words, we make strategic IP management possible for you. We ignite possibilities with you.

Address and Contact Information:
Unit 33-08, Tower A, Menara UOA Bangsar, No. 5, Jln Bangsar Utama 1, Taman Bangsar,
59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T: +603 22023388
F: +603 22023366